Sunday, 10 November 2019

HackX 2019 Challenge

 #NextGen #hackx #isoc #isocsl #girlsintechnology

Girls in Technology and Nextgen IoT article on Wonder Woman.

NextGen IoT 3rd Workshop : Design Thinking

HackX junior 2019 awareness session -- Prototyping an IoT device

NextGen IoT 3rd Workshop :Ideamart Dev Day

4th Day of Northern Coding and IoT Week

4th Day of Northern Coding and IoT Week #girlsintechnology #isoc #isoclk#shilpasayura #Nextgen

2nd Day of Northern Coding and IoT Week

2nd Day of Northern Coding and IoT Week
#girlsintechnology #isoc #isoclk #shilpasayura #Nextgen

Day 1 - Northern Coding and IoT Week

Stepping into IoT with the team at University of Moratuwa

Girls in innovation - University of Sri Jayewardenepura - IoT training